When it comes down to it…how do you choose a college?

As the final admissions decisions of the season have finally rolled in, the tables turn for students and families who’ve been anxiously awaiting this news, and it’s time to decide what’s right for you. While you may be compelled to check the rankings, we have a different approach.
Here’s how we encourage you to make your own best decision –
#1 Break up with the rankings: 
There are all kinds of college rankings and ‘best of’ lists out there…and while that may have led you to apply to a certain school, we encourage you to leave all those external validations behind when it comes time to make your college decision. The truth is, no ranking list can tell you if you will be happy, if you will build a great community, meet amazing mentors, or shape the life you want to. Nothing can tell you this with certainty, but decision time is the perfect time to step away from the noise of what everyone else thinks about a college and tap into your own intuition. Here’s how: 
#2 Ask yourself: how will I make this place my home? 
Your college is not only the place you earn your degree, but importantly the place you will call home for the first independent stage of your young adult life. Students who find community and belonging are significantly less likely to transfer. So, where will you go on campus to find your people? Look for the indicators, and actually make a list for yourself of 3-4 tangible opportunities for community building you will tap into on any campus you are considering. This might have something to do with the way campus housing and residential life are set up to intentionally cultivate connections. Or perhaps it’s a student group, club, organization, sports team, intramural, theater, dance or music group. Maybe it’s a physical space on campus that you know you’ll put down roots and build community, like a cultural center, affinity space, school newspaper office, or the gym where you’ll do a morning workout session with your fellow early birds. Knowing that there are traditions, or ways of being on campus and connecting with others who share your values and your vibe goes a long way. Concretely identifying those places and spaces will give you confidence that you can form meaningful relationships, build a network, and make a campus your home.
#3 Ask yourself: what will it look like to learn here? 
Definitely spend some time revisiting the majors and departments you will be engaged in. Familiarize yourself with how your program or major is set up, what unique opportunities are offered, and how much of your learning might be experiential through simulations, labs, community engagement, internships or study abroad. But beyond your possible major, ask yourself how much academic flexibility you will have at this school, and how important that is to you. Is it important to you to have a lot of choice in what classes you take? Or, are you someone who likes structure and would rather have a core curriculum or clear cut general education requirements laid out for you? Does it matter to have time to try out different areas of study, meet with an advisor, and settle into a major, rather than declaring it before you enter? Does it matter to you to be able to change your major if the need arises? Students and parents often overlook these aspects of how a college sets up the structure and approach to learning, and these can play a big role in your overall experience. Take some time to check in with yourself, and really consider what type of learning experience will best support your goals and your growth. 
#4 Have an honest family conversation about the finances. 
Hopefully, financial planning went into creating your college list. Whether or not you’ve been talking about finances all along, it is crucial that parents are having an honest conversation with your child at this point in the decision process about what role finances will play in the final choice. Is there a cap on how much your family can contribute towards college education? Is there a significant difference between the scholarships received at one school versus another? Is it an expectation that your child will take out student loans for a portion of their education, have a work study or another job? Calculate the net cost of attendance for each college you are considering so that you can compare costs “apples to apples,” factor in the intangible costs like airline expenses for colleges that are farther from home, and talk about how these costs fit in the bigger picture of all of the factors you are weighing in the final decision.
#5 Listen to your gut. 
At the end of the day, it is critically important that a student is empowered to take ownership over their college decision. As our kids make this big transition into adulthood, they need their trusted adults to provide the parameters, but create lots of space for listening and support. We want to help them turn down the volume on all of the external voices of peers, family members, other adults, and even our own expectations so that they can choose well for themselves.
TBU Advisors are experienced in supporting students to navigate their college choices and personal best fit. If you’d like to explore working with a TBU Advisor, get in touch here. We look forward to connecting with you.
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Members are invited to join us live for more on this topic: 

Choosing Well: 
A Live Conversation on How to Approach the College Decision
Tuesday April 16th: 8 PM EDT | 6 PM MDT 
Join us for a candid, live conversation with TBU Managing Partners Will Cayer, Lauren Dodington & Stacy Hernandez. Whether you are finalizing your college plans next month or further down the road, join us for an engaging discussion on how to center what matters & how to choose well in your teen’s biggest life decision. 
Students & parents of all high school grade levels are welcome & encouraged to join us! 
Click here to register 
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