The College Interview can be among the most nerve wracking and mysterious parts of the college admissions process for young people. Interviews present a strong opportunity for students to distinguish themselves in the process, and to build their confidence in the life skill of speaking about themselves. A good interview happens when you are able to let go of the worry about saying ‘the right thing’ and lean into forming a strong, authentic connection with your interviewer.
While the process varies college by college, late summer is a key time for students to seek out interview opportunities and schedule them before appointments fill for the season.
Here are a few things to know to make the process less daunting:
What is the purpose of the college interview?
What should I do before the interview?
At The Beginning
Introduce yourself and look the interviewer directly in the eye. Know the interviewer’s name or ask them to repeat it if you did not hear it the first time. Most importantly, be happy, excited, and genuinely yourself. By interviewing, you are asking them to get excited about you as an applicant - they won’t be excited to be there if you aren’t excited first!
The Interview
The Interview can last up to an hour and will include a variety of topics. Stay present & engaged in the conversation. Remember that if you aren’t sure how to answer a question it’s ok to say, “that’s a great question, I need a moment to think about that.” It’s better to be authentic than to fill the air space!
During the Interview
“What specific questions can I help you with?” Remember: you don’t have to wait until the interviewer is finished asking questions before you ask questions of your own! If you have any questions that fit the flow of the conversation, ask them earlier. Otherwise, you should have time for your own questions at the end.
After the Interview
Thank the interviewer warmly. If you did not collect their contact information, make sure to do so before leaving. Send a thank you note via email to the person who interviewed you that same evening! This thank you note should include: a thank you message, note some of the points of conversation that will stay with you or something you learned, express your excitement to apply.
Popular questions that you can be prepared to answer:
About you & getting started:
❏ Why This School?
❏ Tell me about yourself. How would your friends, family or teachers describe you?
❏ What do you like to do during your free time?
❏ What has been the most significant personal challenge you have ever faced?
Academic & Extracurricular Background:
❏ Is there a specific teacher or course that has really caught your interest? Explain why.
❏ What has been the most exciting academic project you have done in high school?
❏ Tell me what you have read outside of school lately.
❏ What are your academic strengths and weaknesses?
❏ What activities mean the most to you and why? What have been your roles in these activities?
*Be prepared to answer these questions with specific coursework/classroom or activity examples.
College Choice:
❏ What are you looking for in a college?
❏ What are your future career goals?
*If you are undecided, you should be able to express what interests you have and relate it to majors at that school.
❏ What expectations do you have in a school?
❏ How would you use your talents are our college?
❏ Unique Questions!:
❏ If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only bring 3 things with you, what would they be and why?
❏ How will you change the world?
❏ What do you think an intellectual is?
❏ Define your generation.
Questions To Ask:
First and foremost, your questions should be tailored to the school specifically. Do some research online to find majors, programs, or opportunities on that campus that excite you. Aim for questions that are personal to you, and cannot be answered by a basic search of the college’s website.
About the admissions representative:
❏ Did you study here as a student?
❏ If yes, what was your favorite part of being a student here? If not, what have you come to love as an admissions representative?
General Questions:
❏ What characteristics are shared by most of the students here?
❏ What are the defining pieces of the academic and social experience here?
❏ What is it that makes students happy to be here?
❏ Formulate specific questions about your academic or community interests and the ways you hope to engage on campus.
The college application process can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. We’re here to help!
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